Sports cars are really, really interesting, a key part of what the company is, says Mr Palmer, a low-key straight shooter despite his flamboyant pink shirt and lilac tie. 跑车真的非常有趣,它是这家公司的关键特色之一,帕尔默说。尽管他穿着张扬的粉色衬衫、打着淡紫色领带,但他其实是一个低调直率的人。
You can be a straight shooter yourself. 你自己就可以直截了当地谈这个问题。
And, boy, that's just a straight shooter. 还有,那是个坦白正直的人。
At 17 he turned into a straight shooter and used pills only as a stop gap. children addicted to narcotic drugs 他17岁就成了注射毒品的瘾君子。服药丸只是暂时行为。吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童